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Who is Fukkajumi Saiso?

A story where YOU have to save everyone. Quite common is it not? Foolish human got stuck in the loops. · By CursedEye


Recent updates

Changelog: Basically, I've spent three weeks to write the endings to this game. So now it is fully playable. I can finally focus my attention on the character...
2 files
Changelog: Mostly bugfixes. Fixed Assembly Hall. Now it should work properly. More or less. Added Hina's event line. Fixed small bugs in the Garden. Please, re...
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So, changelog. Removed huge bug with the canteen, now you don't reset after eating. Added canteen background. If it doesn't show then it's bug, please report it...
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I made my big step towards gamedesign and published my game here. Previous versions of the game will be unavalible due to many bugs, but for record I will say t...
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